Das Theaterstück »The wave« am SAG
Zum Stück
Am 24. März 2022 kam die American Drama Group mit dem englischsprachigen Theaterstück The Wave zu uns an die Schule. Es gab zwei Vorstellungen, eine für die neunten, die andere für die zehnten Klassen.
The Wave beschreibt die Ereignisse an einer US-amerikanischen High School, wo ein Lehrer seiner Klasse zeigen wollte, in welchem Maße Manipulationen durch autoritäre gesellschaftliche Strukturen geschehen können. Der Roman von Morton Rhue, auf dem das Stück basiert, ist zwar schon 1981 erschienen, trifft aber noch immer den Zahn unserer Zeit. Das belegen die Äußerungen unserer Schüler*innen.
Dankenswerterweise wurde die Aufführung großzügig vom Förderverein Freunde des St. Anna-Gymnasiums unterstützt.
»The actors played it really well and you could understand and follow it pretty easily. They made a lot from a little.« (Luca Pawelski)
»While the set was designed very simple and there were only a few actors, the play showed in a really impactful way, how naïve people are and how easily they can be convinced into believing in something bigger than themselves. That sense of community can even lead them into betraying their friends.« (Ella Mawad)
»The plot caught me and I especially liked the ending. Even after the play I was thinking about it, and that’s a really good thing.« (Nico Sekera Terplan)
»It was really different to a normal history lessons, but I have the feeling that we learned the reason why fascism is so dangerous maybe even better than we would have in normal class. It was a good way of showing that theoretically things like the Nazis can still happen now.« (Laura Frau)
»The ending really had some impact on me because the events that were presented in The Wave were horrifying. The brainwashing the Nazis used in WW2 was expressed in a very unique way because it was shown that even the shyest and nicest person on earth can do really horrible things once the fascists have power over the people.« (Leon Weing)
»The actors were really good and we understood their English very well. We really liked the play and it inspired us to think about the story.« (Ella Börner and Selma Otter)
B. Bornemann